Surat undangan rapat bahasa Inggris
Sebagai seorang staff anda
diserahi membuatkan surat undangan rapat dalam bahasa Inggris untuk seluruh
pengurus lembaga yang diadakan minggu ini. Berikut ini contoh formatnya:
Dear Ms. /Mr. [NAME OF MP],
I am writing to request a meeting
to discuss the issue of global poverty, an issue I think is crucial in this new
parliament. Would it be possible to meet with you before the Speech from the
Throne, or at least before the federal budget is presented?
Worldwide, poverty kills more
than 50,000 people every day – one third of all deaths. These deaths are virtually
preventable. Canada has pledged to address poverty reduction both domestically
and internationally, but is failing to implement its promises.
You will find attached a briefing
note from the Make Poverty History Campaign that outlines how Canada can meaningfully
address poverty at home and globally. I hope you will consider supporting these
measures, and joining with the many thousands of celebrities and ordinary folks
who support this issue in Canada and internationally.
As a constituent in your riding I
would appreciate the opportunity to discuss this issue with you in person.
Please contact me at your earliest convenience, at [YOUR PHONE NO, WITH AREA
Pekerjaan surat bahasa Inggris
Anda belum selesai, di rumah Anda hendak punya acara besar yaitu pernikahan
Anda. Anda sudah berniat membuat surat undangan pernikahan bahasa Inggris,
maklum saja teman-teman yang Anda undang adalah teman satu jurusan bahasa
Inggris waktu kuliah. Selamat mengerjakan surat undangan rapat dalam bahasa
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